Wednesday is Car Free Day

Pedestrians on 14th Street by Mike Maguire licensed under Creative Commons.

This Wednesday, hop on the Metro. Lace up your walking shoes. Log in to a meeting virtually through Zoom. Carpool with a buddy. You have a myriad of options for getting around the region — except, if you can avoid it, driving in a car alone.

Wednesday, September 22 is “Car Free Day,” an annual event celebrated internationally as a way to reimagine what cities could look like with fewer cars. We’ve celebrated the day in Washington since about 2007.

Car Free Day in our region is organized by Commuter Connections, which is part of the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments. You can go to their website to take a “Car Free Pledge” to win various prizes.

This isn’t the only event encouraging the community to think beyond cars. On October 2, the first of a series of Open Streets events will close a portion of Georgia Avenue NW to cars for the day, opening it to pedestrians, cyclists, and scooter riders.