Breaking: Fenty to name Albert to Metro Board

WTOP is reporting that Adrian Fenty will name Deputy Mayor for Planning Economic Development Neil Albert to the WMATA board (to replace Emeka Moneme).

Jim Graham (the other DC board member) thinks it’s a great idea (at least publicly):

Graham calls Fenty’s choice “inspired.” “It’s important that the board member have the trust and confidence of the mayor, and Albert certainly does,” says Graham.

I don’t know how Albert thinks about transportation. If being on the Metro board will make transit more of a priority for Albert and mean transit priorities get Fenty’s ear, that could indeed be a good thing. Or, perhaps it’ll make transportation needs get lost among other economic development priorities. What do you think?

If only WTOP had accidentially mis-heard and Fenty’s advisors had really told them he was planning to name David Alpert to the board instead… :)