Bus improvements coming soon

Photo by Greenbelt Alliance on Flickr.

Electronic displays at bus stops, more dedicated bus lanes, bus priority at traffic signals, a new express bus route, and more improvements are all on the way, according to representatives from DDOT and WMATA.

At a forum last week hosted by the Coalition for Smarter Growth, DDOT Associate Director for Policy, Planning and Sustainability Karina Ricks revealed a host of exciting initiatives the department is undertaking, including:

Ricks described frequent complaints DDOT gets from drivers who see Pennsylvania Avenue’s bike lanes largely empty while traffic clogs the other lanes. She admonished cycling advocates to work just as strongly to defend (and encourage use of) existing bike lanes as in calling for new ones.

Ricks also outlined the three laudable policy objectives that guide DDOT:

  1. To make walking the mode of choice for trips of 1 mile or less, and biking the mode of choice for trips under 3 miles. A short-term goal is to have 12% of commuting trips done by bicycle by 2020 (the number is currently only 3%, though this does not include recreational and infrequent cyclists).
  2. To prioritize transit expansion and enhancement, making transit competitive with driving in terms of travel time, cost, convenience and reliability.
  3. To minimize traffic congestion and promote efficient vehicle operations.

At the same forum, WMATA Bus Planning Director Jim Hamre pointed to the popularity of express routes such as the 79, which has been extended to all-day running from 6 am to 7 pm to keep up with demand, as a reason to explore more such opportunities. He said overall trip times on the 70s line have been cut by 25% on average.

Hamre explains ridership patterns. Photo by Andrew Bossi on Flickr.

Hamre gave an overview of changes and studies WMATA has already undertaken, and described a few significant bus service improvements that will happen very soon:

In addition, WMATA is completing a study of the K6 (New Hampshire Avenue from Fort Totten to White Oak through Takoma Park and Langley Park), and will soon release recommendations, including to run limited-stop service from Fort Totten to Northwest Park.

Overall, Hamre said, more TIGER capital funding would be helpful in making speedier bus service a reality.

Ricks admitted that the need for speedier bus service on K Street NW is still a big issue that needs to be tackled, and expressed hope that the National Capital Planning Commission (which hosted the forum) might help in this.

As has oft been repeated here, your involvement in public decisionmaking — by attending forums, responding to surveys, writing letters, and commenting on GGW and other sites — is key. As Hamre summed it up, “We need rider engagement.”