We speak, the Post listens

Photo by Wayan Vota on Flickr.

Last week the Washington Post’s Ashley Halsey asked readers to identify the worst intersections in the region, so we asked you to submit examples of intersections that are bad for pedestrians instead of just for cars.

It seems our message was received. The Post published a follow-up piece on Sunday with quotes from 11 individuals. Out of the 11 total responses, 8 mentioned pedestrian or cyclist issues. The piece closed with the quote I submitted personally:

“Any intersection where pedestrians are treated as second-class citizens. Street design is not all about getting cars through quickly.”

It’s important that proponents of multi-modalism not allow the windshield perspective to dominate public discourse about transportation. If we don’t speak up, we won’t be heard. To those of you who responded: Good work getting the word out. To the Post and Mr. Halsey: Thanks for hearing us.

Cross-posted at BeyondDC.