Speak up for better buses, learn about inclusive development, and don’t miss our happy hour!

Image by Aimee Custis used with permission.

WMATA is planning to change or alter many different bus routes across the region, including the 50 bus route down 14th Street that we successfully advocated for earlier this year. You can find the whole list of routes here.

This is the time to speak up for better buses in our region! Come out to the public meeting this Tuesday, September 26 at Metro Headquarters Building (600 Fifth Street NW) where you can weigh in on the changes. The open house begins at 5:30 pm and public comment is from 6 pm to 7 pm. Sign up to testify and make your voice heard for better bus service!

And don't miss our next Greater Greater happy hour with Young Professionals in Transportation (YPT) this Tuesday, September 26 from 6 to 8 pm at The Midlands in Park View. Want to join us? RSVP here!

Tuesday, September 26: How, why, and where people work is changing. More and more people are moving to urban areas to work and many are teleworking or working from co-working spaces. Who will benefit from the evolution of work and who gets left behind? Head to the “Future of Work Forum” at the WeWork Wonder Bread Factory (641 S Street NW) at 3 pm to hear from a host of speakers on this fascinating topic.

Wednesday, September 27: *Update* This meeting has been postponed, we'll put keep you posted about the new date when it's advertised. The Long Bridge is a rail bridge that connects SW DC to Arlington, VA. The District Department of Transportation (DDOT) and the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) are working to improve the bridge. Come to a public meeting on Wednesday from 4 to 7 pm at DC Department of Consumer and Regulatory Affairs Building (1100 4th Street SW, Room E200) to get the latest on the project and learn about the potential Long Bridge alternatives.

Thursday, September 28: Similar to problems in a lot of cities, a lack of affordable housing, fair wages, and access to a quality education have made it hard to foster inclusive development. Head over to “Unlikely Allies: Inclusive Development” on Thursday at 6:30 pm at Impact Hub DC (419 7th Street NW, 3rd Floor) to hear and learn from advocates and organizations working to ensure inclusive development here in the nation’s capital.

Saturday, September 30: When we talk about appealing, livable neighborhoods, Alexandria’s Del Ray, northwest of Old Town, gets a lot right. What role have entrepreneurs, local architects, and zoning tweaks played in the evolution of the neighborhood? What does the future hold? Join the Coalition for Smarter Growth for a walking tour on Saturday to get the inside scoop. RSVP for details.

Next Saturday, October 7: Our Metro system needs dedicated funding. But how we get there is still complicated. Get clarity on the who, what, where, and how, of Metro funding advocacy at a forum on Saturday, October 7 from 9:30 am to 2:30 pm at the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association (4301 Wilson Boulevard, Arlington) hosted by the Coalition for Smarter Growth and the League of Women's Voters. Martin Di Caro is moderating part of the forum. RSVP today!