Here are your photos of Park(ing) Day!

Lee and Associates Landscape Architects park in Washington, DC. Image by airbus777 licensed under Creative Commons.

On Friday, people around the world transformed parking spots into tiny, temporary parks. The goal of Park(ing) Day is to draw attention to the need for more public spaces and generate debate around how that public space is allocated. The event began with a San Francisco art studio back in 2005, and has since grown into a global phenomenon.

Despite a bit of confusion from an MPD permit reviewer, Park(ing) Day 2017 was a success! We rounded up a few of our favorite shots of this year's event from the GGWash Flickr pool and Twitter for you to enjoy:

American Society of Landscape Architects. Image by airbus777 licensed under Creative Commons.

Sustainable Urban Planning Student Organization at The George Washington University Image by Fjollë N. Caka‏ used with permission.

Environment America. Image by Christy Leavitt‏ used with permission.

Environment America. Image by Christy Leavitt‏ used with permission.