Dinner links: Elected officials behaving badly edition

Jim Graham’s illegally parked car (not related to today’s episode). Photo by Justpowers on Flickr.

Don’t they have better things to do? According to DC Wire, Council Chairman Gray found Dan Tangherlini parking in his spot, so he parked in Tangherlini’s spot, and then the mayor’s office threatened to tow Gray’s car. Having a playground spat over parking spaces is unseemly enough, but when elected officials make parking space pecking orders a major perk (as they do in Congress), it warps their view of the world for those of us who don’t have a reserved space everywhere we go.

LA is for lame: The LA Board of Supervisors voted not to place the proposed transit sales tax on the ballot. But it’s still going to be voted on, just on a different ballot. Or something. LA is stuck in a cycle of car abuse dependence it doesn’t know how to get out of. Ryan Avent talks more about LA’s missed opportunities.

What’s up in Ward 8: And Now, Anacostia attended community meetings for St. Elizabeth’s and Poplar Point. Both seem to be on a good path, but with few details at this point.