What should I ask Ray LaHood?

LaHood on a future Capital Bikeshare bike. Photo by Transportation For America on Flickr.

I’m excited to announce that next Thursday, I will be moderating a panel at the Netroots Nation conference featuring US Secretary of Transportation Ray LaHood.

Netroots Nation is an annual gathering of progressive bloggers, online activists, and people who follow politics through blogs and other social media.

The panel will also feature Duncan Black, aka “Atrios,” writer of the popular Eschaton blog which occasionally covers transportation, and Radhika Fox, Federal Policy Director for PolicyLink, a nonprofit that advocates for economic and social equity in areas including housing and transportation and part of the Transportation For America coalition.

It’s next Thursday, July 22nd in Las Vegas. You can attend the conference, but if it’s too tough to get to Vegas, the panel will be streamed online and embedded here. It’s at 10:30 Pacific, 2:30 1:30 Eastern.

I am starting to work on questions to ask Secretary LaHood. What would you like to hear about or see the panel discuss?