WMATA releases Gunn report after Van Hollen insists

WMATA has posted the presentation former GM David Gunn gave to the Board last month on how to fix Metro.

They previously only released some highlights of the presentation but not the whole thing, which many criticized. At today’s Congressional hearing, Congressman Chris Van Hollen (D-MD) asked if they could release the report and was surprised when Board Chairman Peter Benjamin asked them not to.

Benjamin said they didn’t want to because while Gunn is very knowledgeable and provided valuable feedback, some of it came from Gunn’s own perspective, such as recommending operating structures closer to those of intercity rail than transit systems, and the Board didn’t agree with everything.

However, Van Hollen replied that while the Board could certainly provide its own perspectives and releasing the report wouldn’t require them to adopt the recommendations, he’d like to see it released. “WMATA is a public agency,” he said.

I haven’t had a chance to read the report yet, so post your reactions in the comments.