More than a thousand words

None but the most corrupt of politicians would think that moving Yankee Stadium over to a public park, farther from the highway, replacing that park with some space on top of garages and other parkland crammed up against the river far away from the neighborhood, and having the city kick in $70 million for this, could possibly be a good idea.

Will of OnNYTurf created a terrific Google Map depicting the plan. It makes it clear, far more than any news article, what a monumentally idiotic idea this latest development scheme is, worse even than the other two “a stadium at all costs” plans we’ve had during this administration.

Plus, building a Metro-North station along the train line that already passes directly by the site is “not in the cards”. I’ve tried and failed to find any possible rationale for this project other than Bronx politicians being bought off.

Gotham Gazette has a good roundup of recent criticism of the project.