Marcel Acosta interviews you

Image from NCPC.

Tomorrow at noon, we’re hosting a live chat with Marcel Acosta, Executive Director of the National Capital Planning Commission and newly-appointed alternate member of the WMATA Board.

But before we interview Mr. Acosta, Mr. Acosta would like to interview you. He’s put together these questions to get your input on the issues facing WMATA and NCPC. Post your thoughts on these questions in the comments, and also suggest any questions you’d like to ask Mr. Acosta tomorrow.

  1. If you ride Metro, what do you like best about the system and what do you like least?
  2. If you could make a single change at Metro, what would that be?
  3. Metro recently announced it will temporarily raise fares versus reducing service or using capital funds. I’d like to hear your thoughts on how to best deal with the system’s projected $189M shortfall, as the board will have to make important financial decisions regarding its 2011 budget.
  4. What factors might make you stop taking Metro, and if you did stop using it, what other mode of transit would you choose and why?
  5. As one of ultimately four new federal representatives on the WMATA board, I am interested in what role you believe the federal representatives should play, and how we can contribute to the making of future decisions.
  6. My full-time job is executive director of the National Capital Planning Commission, the federal planning agency for the nation’s capital. Are there any particular local or regional issues that you’d like to see NCPC become more (or less) engaged in?