Let’s shovel bus stops Sunday

Photo by WMATA.

Give a hand. Save a hip. Bus stops all over the region are not safely accessible because of snow mountains, slush and ice. Taxpayer-funded Metro can’t shovel out 12,000 bus stops. Let’s make George Washington proud and go shovel.

On Wednesday, Neil’s post recruited folks to shovel out inaccessible sidewalks in Tenleytown. Let’s expand the program to other neighborhoods.

People are doing all sorts of ballerina and gymnastic moves while approaching buses. It’s dangerous for them, and heck it slows down traffic, too.

We’ll meet up tomorrow, outside Metrorail stations or at other set locations, at 3 pm sharp, armed with shovels. From there, we’ll find bus stops in need and make them accessible.

Will you join in to melt our problems away?

If you’re willing to commit to coming to a station, put the location in a comment. You can also pick another spot with high bus traffic that’s not a Metrorail station. We’ll send out a followup with the locations that got picked, to encourage more readers to join you.

After you pick a spot, send out an email to your neighborhood listserv to reach more of your neighbors.

I’m volunteering for Columbia Heights. I’ll be at the entrance on the west side of 14th at 3. David will be at the Dupont Circle north entrance on Q Street. Who’s in for those? And which locations will you organize?

Update: We have four locations so far. See the update post for details.