Nineteen parking spaces for one family?

Some developments end up with way too much parking, but this takes the cake. A historic 1926 mansion that formerly housed the Italian Embassy will be renovated into a single-family residence with nine new townhouses built on the site. These ten residences will get… 28 parking spaces?

According to the Dupont Current, “When some [Adams Morgan ANC] commissioners looked incredulous upon hearing that number, [developer’s attorney Carolyn] Brown reminded them: “When you’re buying a house of 4,000 square feet, chances are you have more than one car.” In the heart of the city, that’s not a certainty, but even if so: How many cars can ten families have? One per townhouse and nineteen for the owners of the mansion? Two per townhouse and ten for the mansion? How did they possibly get to 28?

The first part of the article is “Plan eyes embassy for luxury housing” here, then continued as “Italian” here.