Can you guess which CaBi stations these are?

In celebration of its 5th birthday, Capital Bikeshare is hosting another round of Where’s that Bikeshare?, the bikeshare equivalent of WhichWMATA. Can you identify the CaBi stations pictured below?

Images 1 (left) and 2 (right). All images from Capital Bikeshare.

Images 3 (left) and 4 (right).

Image 5.

Here are the rules:

Answers must include both streets in the intersection name (Example: 14st & D St NW) OR the major nearby attraction (Ronald Reagan Building). For DC stations, you must include the quadrant. The order of the streets does not have to be exact (D St. & 14th NW is also acceptable).

We’ll hide the comments so the early birds don’t spoil it for the rest of you. We’ll post the answers next week.

We at CaBi are having a drawing for some great Bikeshare prizes. If you comment on this post and are one of the people who gets the most right, we’ll send them your email address to enter you in the contest. If you don’t want to do that, you can say so in your comment and we’ll leave you out. (Your email address will not be visible to anyone else regardless.)

Want to suggest a station for the next quiz? Email a picture and the station name to CaBi at and we’ll consider it for future editions. Good luck and enjoy!