“Subway driver” is the most unusually common job in Maryland

Live in Maryland and operate a train? You’re not alone. A graphic from Business Insider, which has been going around the web for a few months, shows the job that is most out of proportion in each state.

While it’s no surprise the job on the map for DC is political scientists and Texas is petroleum engineers, would you have guessed Maryland’s would be “subway drivers”?

Graphic from Business Insider. Click for the full image.

It actually makes sense. In addition to Metro trains, Maryland has the Baltimore Subway, Light Rail, and MARC train. That’s a lot more transit per capita than most states.

This map uses a Bureau of Labor Statistics measure called “location quotient.” That’s how frequent the job is in one area (say, 8.3 people per 10,000 jobs) divided by its frequency nationwide. The map shows the job with at least 1,000 workers in each state with the highest location quotient.

Transportation-related careers stand out in a few other states as well. The careers on the map for Alaska, Louisiana, Maine, and Florida all involve navigating waterways. South Carolina gets tire builders, and Washington has a lot of workers who build airplanes. Finally, Vermont has a lot of people maintaining its highways compared to other states.