Here are the answers to whichWMATA week 18

On Monday, we posted our eighteenth photo challenge to see how well you know Metro. Three of our readers took photos of different stations. Here are the answers. How well did you do?

We got 30 guesses on this post. Seven of you got all five. Great work, iaom, Patrick, Russell, Phil, Justin…., Peter K, and Adam H.

Image 1. Photo by DC Transit Nerd.

The first image is a picture of art at the Archives station. This installation is called “Ocean Piece” and is located in the entrance to the station. 24 of you got this one right.

Image 2. Photo by Sand Box John.

The second image shows Prince George’s Plaza. This station’s unique design is very distinctive, and 24 of you knew this one.

Image 3. Photo by DC Transit Nerd.

The third image shows a train standing on the platform at New Carrollton, viewed from the adjacent Amtrak platform. Clues include the yellow edge-of-platform strip on the Amtrak platform, and the parking garage, visible at far left. 21 of you guessed this one correctly.

Image 4. Photo by Ben Schumin.

This picture shows the entrance to Capitol South station. The clues here include the lack of a canopy above the escalators, the rowhouses visible in the distance, and the parking lot in the foreground. 13 of you got this one.

Image 5. Photo by DC Transit Nerd.

The final image shows a strip map at Gallery Place. WMATA tends to test out new signage at Gallery Place, and this is the only place on the Red Line where the strip map includes arrows showing the direction of travel. 10 got this one right.

Thanks to Ben Schumin, DC Transit Nerd, and Sand Box John for submitting photos! Thanks to all of you for playing.

Next Monday, we’ll have 5 more photos for you to identify.