Busy editor, busy trains

I won’t be able to post much the rest of the week. But here are some links to keep you entertained:

Pope also doesn’t cause the end of the world: The “Metro handling crowds fine” stories continue as the Pope’s visit creates “crowded but calm” conditions on Metro.

NYC building 34th Street transitway: 34th Street will be redesigned for BRT service and, eventually, a full transitway with no private auto traffic between 5th and 6th Avenues. This should speed up one of the borough’s slowest crosstown buses, which averaged only 3.4 MPH in 2005.

News flash: Coburn a complete nutcase: Senator Tom Coburn thinks it’s “steal[ing] opportunity from our children” for the Federal government to chip in for a Metro system half of whose riders are employees of said government. Building highways, of course, is still just dandy though.