New frequent transit map makes navigating Baltimore easier

Headed to Baltimore any time soon? If so, use this new frequent transit map, showing bus & rail routes that come at least every 15 minutes.

New Baltimore frequent transit map, by Marc Szarkowski for Envision Baltimore.

Compared to DC, Baltimore can be a difficult city to navigate via transit. But it’s getting easier thanks to the Charm City Circulator, weekend MARC, and the magic of frequent transit maps.

In 2011 Envision Baltimore produced an initial version of a frequent map, now they’ve updated it, and it’s better than ever.

The new map borrows heavily from WMATA’s 2012 bus maps that use a thick red line for more frequent routes. For Baltimore the thick lines are blue, but the effect and overall look is quite similar.

Close view of the area around Baltimore’s Penn Station. Map by Marc Szarkowski for Envision Baltimore.

I’ve added this new map to the list of all known US frequent transit maps on BeyondDC.

Cross-posted at BeyondDC.