TOD in Prince George’s can reduce pressure on Metro

Photo by Maryland GovPics on Flickr.

Development around Metro is putting pressure on the transit system, especially on the region’s west side. Building around Prince George’s County’s 15 underused Metro stations could help bring Metro into balance, but only if county leaders are willing to do it.

In a recent Washington Post article, Jonathan O’Connell details how a flurry of new office and apartment development is causing congestion on the Red and Orange Lines and in the Rosslyn tunnel. While Metro is planning $6 billion worth of system upgrades, that won’t completely solve the problem.

What needs to happen, says Ron Kirby, director of transportation planning at the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments, is that Prince George’s needs to step up to the plate and start developing its 15 Metro stations. Today, Metro has to “run largely empty trains to those stations in the mornings and back from them in the evenings.” By attracting large employers like the FBI to the county’s Metro stations, Metro can fill those seats, increasing fare revenue and easing congestion.

O’Connell notes that there is exceedingly low demand in the DC area for office and multifamily residential development in locations far from Metro. There are at least 25 “major apartment projects” being built near Metro stations right now, and approximately 84% of the 5.5 million square feet of office development currently under construction in the region is within a five-minute walk of Metro. Nearly all of that TOD is occurring outside of Prince George’s County.

By focusing major office and residential development at its Metro stations, Prince George’s County has a huge opportunity to help restore balance to the regional transportation network, dramatically increase its tax base, and improve the overall quality of life for its residents. But to realize this opportunity, the county must put the kibosh on sprawling edge city developments like the proposed Westphalia Town Center. How can we make this happen?

The county is currently updating its comprehensive General Plan, which defines its long-range policies for guiding future growth and development. The preliminary draft of that plan recommends a divided growth strategy that relies both on transit-oriented development at Metro, MARC, and future Purple Line stations, and automobile-oriented development inside and outside of the Beltway.

Of particular concern is that the draft plan contemplates additional automobile-oriented mixed-use development at existing outer-Beltway locations like Bowie and Brandywine, as well as at new suburban greenflied sites like Konterra and Westphalia. None of these locations is connected to transit. As Jonathan O’Connell explains, such a drivable suburban growth strategy doesn’t make sense for Prince George’s County or for Metro.

By adding mixed-use neighborhoods to inside-the-Beltway stations in Prince George’s, Kirby says Metro can “sell the same seat twice.” For example, let’s assume that the new regional medical center comes to Largo Town Center, as expected.

Now-empty trains headed to Largo could instead fill with hospital workers; when they get off, commuters heading into DC could take their place. And if Prince George’s were to build another mixed-use center at a closer-in Blue Line station, such as Capitol Heights or Addison Road, Metro could earn revenue from a commuter coming from Potomac Avenue or Benning Road, and also from a different commuter going out to the medical center in Largo.

Such a coordinated growth strategy is far cheaper, more sustainable, and frankly more realistic, than building new Metro stations to reach the new sprawl. Yet, Prince George’s County stubbornly clings to its sprawl past. I continue to believe that the county’s leaders can change their ways if they pay attention to and learn lessons from other jurisdictions that have successfully implemented TOD. But the county’s actions over the past few weeks suggest that they simply lack the political will or courage to change.

Short of “voting the bums out” of office, what strategies would you use to get Prince George’s current leadership to make the dramatic shift from sprawl to TOD?

Crossposted on Prince George’s Urbanist.