Cuccinelli opposes Silver Line, McAuliffe uses odd map

Virginia GOP gubernatorial candidate Ken Cuccinelli doesn’t want to finish the Silver Line, and Terry McAuliffe, his Democratic rival, is pointing it out. Though something’s a little funny with McAuliffe’s map…

Image from Terry McAuliffe.

Cuccinelli said on WMAL radio earlier this month in 2011 that “I hope they don’t do Phase Two,” the segment from Wiehle Avenue to Dulles Airport and on to Loudoun County. This week, he reiterated his belief that it’s not cost-effective.

Tom Jackman reported in 2011:

Cuccinelli called the project an “economic boondoggle” and that “the cost-benefit just is not there.” He said the issue would be a central feature of the Loudoun board of supervisor elections this year, and that “I hope [voters] elect an entire board who’s committed to pulling out of Phase Two to kill it.”

McAuliffe made this a campaign issue during some recent campaign stops. In response McAuliffe’s attacks, Fredrick Kunkle wrote in the Post, “Cuccinelli’s campaign said he would seek more cost-effective ways than the rail project to address Virginia’s perennial traffic woes.”

McAuliffe’s ad shows a Metro map with the Silver Line, but with the new line Xed out, and the caption, “This is Cuccinelli’s Virginia.” But look again at that map. It’s acutally Neil Flanagan’s fantasy Metro map from 2009:

Image from Neil Flanagan.

This isn’t the first time someone probably went on Google Images to look for a Metro map, found a fantasy map, and used it by mistake. A cheesesteak shop on U Street used one of my fantasy maps, also with a separate Blue Line, on their menu:

Not to mention the time MediaBistro used the same map for one of their ads.

Hopefully this means that if McAuliffe wins the governorship, he’ll also support new Metro lines, even in DC? Joking aside, though, it’s also important for voters to know where each gubernatorial candidate stands on one of the most important transportation projects in Northern Virginia.

Thanks to reader ARM for the tip.

Update: I confused a recent Post article about the Silver Line and the campaign with one from 2011. Cuccinelli’s statements against the Silver Line on WMAL came in 2011, but he reiterated his opposition more recently. I’ve added in the more recent information and clarified which parts are from 2011.