DDOT proposes 78 new CaBi station locations

Residents waiting with bated breath for a Capital Bikeshare station near their home or work now can either be happy or sad: DDOT has released a map showing their proposed sites for the next 78 stations.

Proposed Capital Bikeshare expansion locations. Red pins show existing stations, green proposed expansions, yellow the second phase. View larger map.

According to a release on godcgo, DDOT plans to install the first 54 stations from January through March. 24 more sites are slated for a future round of expansion.

The most recent expansion added no stations downtown, and there still remain some large holes, like around the Penn Quarter. The new set includes 2 stations along D Street NW in that area, some around the Capitol, and other sites downtown.

Farther out, there numerous stations along Rhode Island Avenue NE, in Brookland, Columbia Heights, Georgetown, and stations that push the outward envelope in each direction, including eastward in Ward 7, southward in 8, and up in Wards 3 and 4 almost to Missouri Avenue/Military Road, and in Phase 2, beyond to Takoma.

What do you think? Is there one near you? What important holes has this filled and what seems to still be missing?

Update: Corey H has created a nice map showing all of the proposed stations in DC, Arlington, Alexandria, and Montgomery County. This uses a smaller red dot for each existing station, so you can see the proposed ones more clearly.