Ghost bike returns with a posse

22 white “ghost bikes” appeared this morning around the intersection of 20th and R where Alice Swanson was killed last year. DC officials removed the bike last week without notice to the family. In response, some folks put 22 ghost bikes back, one for each year of Alice’s life. They say they will continue to replace the bikes over and over as long as the city cuts them down.

As for the serious improvements to the intersection, WashCycle noted yesterday that the “yield to bikes” sign may be in the wrong place: it looks like it ought to appear before the intersection of 20th and R, not after. The sign says “begin right turn lane,” but the right turn lane begins farther back than the sign. You can see the sign in the above picture.

Update: According to DDOT’s Jim Sebastian, they plan two signs. In addition to the existing sign, another one, at the location WashCycle suggested, will appear soon.