Arlington wants your help counting bikes and pedestrians

Photo by M.V. Jantzen.

Arlington County transportation programs BikeArlington and WalkArlington are looking for volunteers to help collect bicycle and pedestrian counts in Arlington County on May 7th and 9th. This regular data collection is part of a national project to document walking and cycling as a mode of transportation. Collecting better data on usage and demand is essential to build long-term support for walking and cycling.

Count locations include shared use paths, sidewalks, and on-road bike lanes. Many of the sites are easily accessible by Metro. Arlington will provide training and materials. Shifts are two hours long in the morning and evening on Thursday, and noon to 2:00 PM on Saturday. In addition to counting the number of people traveling, Arlington’s volunteers may count the number of cyclists wearing helmets or other demographic data.

If you’d be interested in helping with this study, email Last time we were able to help Arlington out with some volunteers, let’s see if we can provide even more support this time.