New mobile app could revolutionize ped, bike safety

This article was posted as an April Fool’s joke.

The proliferation of smartphones and texting while driving has created serious problems for pedestrian and bicycle safety, but a new application, just announced, could solve these problems.

I recently interviewed local cyclists about the new TextSight application, now available for a wide variety of GPS-enabled smartphones:

The revolutionary app allows texting drivers to “see” bicyclists and pedestrians in their path, and promises to significantly cut down on incidents of drivers hitting these other road users.

Greenbelt Mayor Pro Tem Emmett Jordan, Dr. Allen Lim of Skratch Labs and author of the The Feed Zone cookbook, and cyclocross superstar Tim Johnson all shared their thoughts for the video. The product demos were done in conjunction with Tim Johnson’s Ride on Washington and sponsored by Proteus Bicycles in College Park.