Weekend reading: someone is wrong on the Internet

Photo by Prince of Petworth.

More obnoxiously judgmental? Prince of Petworth discusses the curb cut-gorging townhouses on P Street between 16th and 17th, leading to a debate about curb cuts followed by “which blog commenters are more obnoxiously judgmental,” on PoP or Greater Greater Washington.

No Facebook for Annapolis: The Maryland General Assembly will block Facebook and MySpace for members and staff at their office computers. They claim that viruses prompted this, but the Baltimore Sun says Republicans think there were political reasons. Either way, legislators who use Facebook to communicate with the public will lose this valuable tool.

Tobago, DC? цarьchitect figured, if DC has a Trinidad, it needs a Tobago. He suggests the area between Van Ness and Tenleytown sometimes called Wakefield or North Cleveland Park.

Why can’t we be like leafcutter ants? Leafcutter ants don’t get into traffic jams, even on narrow paths like tree branches. That’s because they patiently wait behind slower-moving ants instead of going around them, Wired explains. If cars behaved that way, say scientists, traffic would move more smoothly too. Via Planetizen.