Look at that beautiful ring! Image by Diane Krauthamer licensed under Creative Commons.

The calendar still says winter but the sky says spring. Does anyone know what compelled you all to post rings? If you know, please sing!

Savor these favorites from the Greater and Lesser Washington Flickr pool! This week, ring-shaped subjects abounded in your submissions.

Three rings? This post is a circle circus.  Image by Jeff Vincent licensed under Creative Commons.

Rings appeared this week even when they weren't the subject. Image by Martin Bartholm used with permission.

The cathedral is really just a collection of rings, if you think about it atomically.  Image by Nathan Arrington used with permission.

I didn't like my rhyming options as much for "globes" so here we are. Image by Joe Flood licensed under Creative Commons.

Submit photos! Tag us on the gram!

For a chance to see your photos show up in these posts, add them to the Greater and Lesser Washington Flickr pool, or tag @greater_greater_washington on Instagram (hashtags are no longer a reliable method of sharing, sadly).

See you again next week! Share those photos!

Dan Malouff is a transportation planner for Arlington and an adjunct professor at George Washington University. He uses this byline for Photo Friday posts, but you can find his other writing under the byline Dan Malouff, and his photography as BeyondDC on Flickr and Instagram.