Men twirling hula hoops at Columbia Heights Day 2007. Photo by Mr. T in DC on Flickr.

First stop Columbia Heights: Today is Columbia Heights Day, featuring local music, food, family activities, a bike ride and more.

Remaking les écoles non-historique: Renew Shaw imagines how Seaton Elementary and Shaw Middle School, both at 9th, Q, and Rhode Island, could better integrate with the community and the street grid if and when DC overhauls these outdated buildings.

Marriott looking good: 14th and You attended a community meeting about the planned Marriott Marquis Convention Center. They’re actually constructing two boutique hotels along with the main hotel, with a sports bar, coffee shop, and two restaurants at street level.

Raze this: What DC building would you tear down? Mr. T in DC has a list of his least favorite buildings in DC. City Desk disagrees with some and adds some. Both agree on one: the FBI building.

MoCo Residents Against Pesky Trees: The Gazette prints another letter from AAA’s anti-tree lobbyist Lon Anderson and one from a resident on the Road Code. Just Up the Pike covers this increasingly ridiculous debate.

Those silly injured pedestrians, ha ha: A driver in New York got confused, “clipped two pedestrians”, and ran through a plate glass window. The Post thinks it’s hilarious. Streetsblog reminds New Yorkers that even non-critical injuries are no laughing matter.