Early voting, Washington DC, 2014 by Ted Eytan licensed under Creative Commons.

To advance urbanist principles, we need qualified, thoughtful local elected officials who support our values. This fall, we're working hard to identify the most urbanist candidates in DC's hyper-local but influential Advisory Neighborhood Commission races and others around the region. Can you support our effort with a donation today?

In the District, Advisory Neighborhood Commissioners (ANCs) are significant local leaders who get relatively little attention. DC’s ANCs are elected, volunteer neighborhood councils with significant influence on transportation, zoning, and other issues in their neighborhoods.

Just like we did in 2016, we want to circulate a questionnaire to all ANC candidates, review the results, pick the best urbanist candidates, and get the word out. We also want to continue election coverage in Maryland and Virginia for the most hotly-contested races

But we need your help! GGWash is one of the only organizations to comprehensively review, analyze, and publish information about these ANC races, and this effort involves considerable staff resources. We need to raise $5,000 from our readers to fund our election coverage. Can you donate today?

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No other news outlet invests in identifying and supporting local candidates with urbanist principles like GGWash. Our in-depth analysis of local races helps make residents aware of the pro-urbanist candidates in their neighborhood.

Earlier this year, we endorsed 63 candidates in the June primaries. Now with many of the local 2018 candidates set for the November general election, GGWash is ready to turn the tide against reflexive opposition and bring forward-thinking leaders to your attention.

Comprehensive ANC endorsements through an urbanist lens

The District’s 296 single-member districts for ANCs are up for election in November. There are 99 competitive races this year, while 182 are uncontested and 15 have no registered candidate.

GGWash wants to help you identify pro-urbanist candidates running for ANCs. Earlier this summer, we held workshops with 120 potential ANC candidates. Now we are creating a detailed, neighborhood-specific questionnaire so that you can learn what your prospective ANC representatives think about key issues.

By collecting, disseminating, and analyzing this information, GGWash hopes to help inform the public and move DC in a more sustainable, inclusive direction.

Keeping an eye on Virginia

ANCs aren’t the only important races on the ballot. While in our heavily Democratic region most primary winners will sail to victory, there are some critical races we want to keep you informed about.

  • The Arlington County Board race matches independent incumbent John Vihstadt with Democratic challenger Matt de Ferranti, and important questions about Arlington’s growth and investment are at stake.
  • Democratic challenger Jennifer Wexton hopes to beat Republican incumbent Barbara Comstock in the 10th congressional district, a top Democratic takeover target. Meanwhile, former Prince William supervisor Corey Stewart is challenging incumbent senator Tim Kaine.
  • GGWash is also looking toward the 2019 Virginia Senate and House of Delegate elections as an opportunity to advance urbanist principles in the state. 2019 will also see elections for a number of local races, including the Fairfax and Prince William County boards and two of Arlington’s five seats.

Could Maryland have an urbanist governor?

The next governor of Maryland will determine the future of highway widening plans, the growing pedestrian safety crisis on state roads, and much more. GGWash hopes to talk about the urbanist views of Republican Governor Larry Hogan and Democratic nominee Ben Jealous.

The race for Montgomery County Executive will heat up in the general election as Nancy Floreen launches an independent bid against Marc Elrich and Robin Ficker. We’ll be watching this race closely.

Can you help make this happen?

Don’t take equitable urban development and transportation for granted. We need the right leaders to guide and support the kind of neighborhoods we want. Support GGWash’s election coverage today!

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Jane Fiegen Green was the Development Director at Greater Greater Washington from 2018 to 2020. With a PhD in history and a background in association management for a scholarly society of historians, she worked to bring sustainable revenue streams to support GGWash’s news and advocacy. She lives in the Pentagon City neighborhood of Arlington with her husband and son.