

Black Lives Matter Plaza in 2020. Image by Ted Eytan licensed under Creative Commons.

At the end of every year, member organizations of the DC TEN come together to craft an advocacy agenda for the following year called an Action Plan for Transportation Equity. Our priorities are guided by our mission and our vision of a transportation system that is frequent and reliable, ensures the safety of every person who uses, operates, and maintains it, and guarantees the freedom of transit riders and active transportation users to reach destinations of necessity and leisure regardless of their race, ethnicity, income-status, gender, sex, age, ability, or geographic location.

2024 Action Plan for Transportation Equity

  1. 1 Support efforts to fully fund WMATA to ensure frequent and reliable bus, trains, and MetroAccess
  2. 2 Hold leaders accountable for the failure to meet the original 2024 Vision Zero goal for DC
  3. 3 Support policies, programs, and initiatives that improve bus frequency and reliability in DC
  4. 4 Support the DC Streetcar extension to Benning Road Metro station in a dedicated transitway
  5. 5 Advocate for the full implementation of the Metro for DC Amendment Act of 2022

Past Campaigns

2024 Teach-in for Transit Equity Day: Finding Federal Funding

In partnership with GGWash, Transportation for America, Citizens Climate Lobby DC, and Sierra Club DC, the DC TEN organized a teach-in on how WMATA is funded in honor of Rosa Parks' birthday. Sarah Kline, Principal Director for the federal government on the WMATA Board of Directors, and Benito Pérez, Policy Director at Transportation for America, shared with attendees the different ways that DC and other jurisdictions contribute to the transit system. The event culminated in a letter writing session to thank Congresswoman Eleanor Holmes Norton for co-sponsoring the Stronger Communities Through Better Transit Act, which would provide $80 billion in federal funding for public transit operations over four years.

2023 National Week Without Driving

The DC TEN coordinated the District’s participation in the first-ever national #WeekWithoutDriving in 2023 in partnership with America Walks and the Disability Mobility Initiative. We published a GGWash article announcing the campaign and coordinated the participation of Councilmember Charles Allen, Councilmember Trayon White, 26 ANC Commissioners from all 8 wards of DC, two members of the WMATA Board of Directors, and the General Manager/CEO of WMATA in this campaign. We invited participants to submit Transit Diaries to share their experiences on GGWash’s website.
