Midnight links: I will protest injustice more

This is where the sidewalk ends. Keep on the grass.

Traditional sidewalk values: Citing California’s precedent of taking away minority rights by majority vote, a group of Princeton students is pushing Princeton Proposition 8, to “preserve traditional sidewalk values” that reserve sidewalks for sophomores, juniors, seniors, grad students, faculty, staff, visitors, and others, but not freshmen. (AmericaBlog)

I will stop lobbying for huge oil company tax giveaways: The League of Conservation Voters suggests some alternate posters for Chevron’s “I will use less energy” greenwashing campaign. Via DCist.

Yes train on Wayne: At Saturday’s Takoma Park/Silver Spring Purple Line hearing, many residents testified in support of the light rail Purple Line. Despite many Wayne Avenue residents opposed to an alignment on their stret, one Wayne resident supports it, having lived in San Francisco near a light rail line. “It was a controlled street, very safe, very quiet, more so than on Wayne now with the buses,” she said. (Just Up the Pike)

$235,000 from parking: JDLand attended last week’s performance parking meeting in Ward 6. There’s not much really exciting info, but the program earned $235,000 in about six months, which is about a quarter of the cost to install the meters and signs. But we needn’t wait two years for community benefits: 20% of the revenue goes to the neighborhood right away.

Saved by the limit: The National Building Museum’s Martin Moeller thinks the height limit saved downtown DC from becoming “a patchwork in which skyscrapers alternate with surface parking lots” like Cleveland or Detroit. He also talks about how visitors to DC miss the good parts of the city (the neighborhoods) while getting stuck on the Mall, and feels that thanks to our many historic districts, “novelty rarely gets a chance to breathe.”