Photo Friday: Homes for people

Petworth homes. Image by Bekah Richards used with permission.

This week in the Flickr pool, contributors were on-topic delivering beautiful photographs of one of GGWash’s top bread-and-butter issues: Housing. Savor these favorites!

Foggy Bottom homes. Image by Martin Bartholmy used with permission.

Hyattsville homes. Image by Dan Reed licensed under Creative Commons.

Capitol Hill homes. Image by Joe Flood licensed under Creative Commons.

Van Ness homes. Image by Diane Krauthamer licensed under Creative Commons.

Submit photos! Tag us on the gram!

For a chance to see your photos show up in these posts, add them to the Greater and Lesser Washington Flickr pool, or tag @greater_greater_washington on Instagram (hashtags are no longer a reliable method of sharing, sadly).

See you again next week! Share those photos!