Photo Friday: Be you

GGWash in the Pride parade. Image by Dan Reed used with permission.

Is there a better weekend in DC than Pride weekend? Once again, the city erupted in joy and color and acceptance, and once again GGWashers had a blast marching in the parade. Savor these favorites from the Greater and Lesser Washington Flickr pool and Instagram!

17th Street Pride block party. Image by angela n. used with permission.

#YourMetro Pride train. Image by BeyondDC licensed under Creative Commons.

"Duplex looking for my other half." Image by Dan Reed used with permission.

Takoma Park children's Pride parade. Image by BeyondDC licensed under Creative Commons.

17th Street Pride block party. Image by angela n. used with permission.

Submit photos! Tag us on the gram!

For a chance to see your photos show up in these posts, add them to the Greater and Lesser Washington Flickr pool, or tag @greater_greater_washington on Instagram (hashtags are no longer a reliable method of sharing, sadly).

See you again next week! Share those photos!