DC Council: Don’t choose parking meters over people

Photo by izik on Flickr.

It was very disappointing to hear DC Councilmembers support rolling back parking meter rates and opposing a graduated RPP fee in the midst of large proposed cuts to transit and affordable housing programs.

The Coalition for Smarter Growth has created a petition for DC residents to contact their Councilmembers and ask them to prioritize reasonable revenues, forward-thinking parking and transportation policies, and essential affordable housing funds.

The Council is meeting tomorrow to talk again about the budget and voting next Wednesday, May 25. We have to act right now if we want to have an effect. Please sign the petition and ask your friends to do the same.

The petition asks members to:

Depleting parking meter revenues while slashing funds for essential transit and affordable housing programs will hurt all of us. Speak up now to ensure the city budget continues to build a more livable and inclusive city.