Events: Learn about the DC performance oversight process

Image by Ted Eytan licensed under Creative Commons.

Join Greater Greater Washington for a review of the DC Council’s performance oversight process—including what it is, what the point of it is, how it works, how to participate, and what makes for effective testimony. This training is not issue specific and is open to anyone interested in attending. Learn more and RSVP here.

Tuesday, January 23:

One night, 100 years of planning: As the National Capital Planning Commission (NCPC) kicks off its Centennial, join a presentation seminar where six planning professionals in the DC Metro area will discuss items from NCPC’s new online planning library. The resources in the new online library include maps, plans, and other studies from the past 100 years. GGWash DC Policy Director, Alex Baca, will be speaking as one of the six presenters for the night. Learn more and RSVP here.

Wednesday, January 24:

Explore the power of data in traffic reform: The Urban Institute and the Microsoft Justice Reform Initiative fund a grant program for community organizations to pursue data and technology strategies to advance racial equity in the criminal legal system. This Wednesday, Urban Institute is hosting a webinar where two former grantees, the Defender Association of Philadelphia and the San Francisco Bay Area Planning and Urban Research Association (SPUR), will discuss their push for reforms in traffic enforcement policy and practice by leveraging legislative requirements for police departments. The grantees will explore their use of data, technology, qualitative research, and community engagement to push for reforms. Learn more and RSVP here.

Attend a panel on public engagement in planning: The Chapter of the Conference of Minority Transportation Officials (COMTO) is hosting a series called Crossroads: The intersectionality of race & the transportation system. For part 2 out of 4 of the Crossroads series, COMTO is hosting a panel discussion on the role of public engagement in transportation planning and policies. GGWash’s Regional Policy Director, Dan Reed, will be one of the speakers. Learn more and RSVP here.

Thursday, January 25:

Join a discussion on America’s rental housing: Join the Joint Center for Housing Studies (JCHS) of Harvard University for the release of their new America’s Rental Housing 2024 report with keynote speakers and a panel discussion. With increasing rent prices, evictions, unhoused rates, and climate risks, JCHS tackles the increased need for rental assistance. JCHS works to improve the level of access to quality, affordable homes in thriving communities. While in-person registration is closed, those interested may sign up to attend virtually. Learn more here & RSVP here.

Friday, January 26:

Read-up on inclusive transportation: Since 2020, ULI has hosted their Book Talk series focusing on building healthy places. This week, they are discussing Veronica Davis’ book, Inclusive Transportation: A Manifesto for Repairing Divided Communities. This book covers the current challenges transportation and land use professionals face while unpacking the inequities of US transportation systems. Davis offers a pathway to a more equitable and just future in the realm of transportation and development. Learn more here & RSVP here.

Saturday, January 27:

Envision Baltimore’s transportation future: The Subcommittee on Transportation of the Baltimore City House Delegation is hosting their City for All Forum where community members can discuss the future of transportation in the Baltimore city and metro region. Delegate Robbyn Lewis invites you to learn about planned improvements and have your voice heard. The forum will cover pedestrian and road safety initiatives. All are welcome and you can join in-person, or virtually– just don’t forget to pre-register. Learn more here & RSVP here.

Sunday, January 28:

Join GGWash for our January meetup: GGWash hosts bimonthly meet-ups at Grand Duchess in Adams Morgan. Join this month’s meetup on the 28th from 3 - 5 pm to meet others who want to see more affordable housing, fewer trips by car, and the land-use regulations necessary to support the above—plus, hear what GGWash is working on, particularly in northwest DC, and what you can do to get involved. Learn more & RSVP here.

Monday, January 29:

Watch a documentary on street use: Next Monday, there will be a live screening of the new documentary The Street Project hosted by the Washington Area Bicyclist Association (WABA). This documentary takes a journey through the different lenses that areas around the world have on cycling safety. From cycling-oriented streets in Europe to unsafe pedestrian cities in parts of America, watch as the documentary crew dives deep into the view that America has on streets and street-safety strategies.

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