Photo Friday: Fog drifts heavy over the river grey

Buildings hide behind boaters glide by James H. licensed under Creative Commons.

Is there a poem hidden in this week’s photo post? Mayyyybe!

This week, so many of you submitted photos of dramatic fog drifiting over the Potomac River that I’m wondering if I missed a party. Invite me next time!

While the ghost of a train rolls over way by Rob Pegoraro licensed under Creative Commons.

A red bike stands on browning lands by Joe Flood licensed under Creative Commons.

And birds fly by at play by Jeff Vincent licensed under Creative Commons.

A glorious river morning, silently roaring by Emma licensed under Creative Commons.

Submit photos! Tag us on the gram!

For a chance to see your photos show up in these posts, add them to the Greater and Lesser Washington Flickr pool, or tag @greater_greater_washington on Instagram (hashtags are no longer a reliable method of sharing, sadly).

See you again next week! Share those photos!