Events: Join us for GGWash’s Planners of Color happy hour

Outside of Shanklin Hall by Kate Jentoft-Herr used with permission.

Join us for GGWash’s Planners of Color happy hour: Connect with a diverse community of local planners and advocates and meet other folks who are engaged with centering equity in housing, transportation, and land use policy at our happy hour at Shanklin Hall. This space is offered to any planning or planning-adjacent professional who identifies as a person of color. If you feel you belong in this space, you do belong in this space, and we welcome you. Learn more & RSVP here.

Tuesday, November 7:

Explore transit models from cities around the world: Transit Enthusiasts of DC hosts a variety of events about all things transit including presentations, debates, and transit field trips. This Tuesday, they are hosting a meetup to discuss different aspects of transit systems from around the world. From Miami to Copenhagen, learn about the differences in systems through casual presentations by other transit enthusiasts. There will also be time to discuss the group’s future event planning, and their new project focused on giving Metro stations better names. Learn more & RSVP here.

Wednesday, November 8:

Attend a webinar on the transit fiscal crisis: With ridership levels stabilizing below pre-pandemic levels and a lack of additional funds to compensate, transit agencies across the country are compensating through service cuts. With varying funding levels, the budget cuts have pushed transit to become inaccessible to many due to a lack of reliable and effective services. This Wednesday, TransitCenter is hosting a discussion with transportation experts to discuss what actions can be taken to end the cycle of fiscal crises. The General Manager and CEO of WMATA, Randy Clark, will also deliver opening remarks on WMATA’s fiscal realities and vision for securing funding. Learn more & RSVP here.

Join an open dialogue on the federal government’s underutilized real estate: Georgetown Global Cities Initiative is hosting a panel event to facilitate an open dialogue on how underutilized federal real estate impacts local communities. The Georgetown Global Cities Initiative focuses on research in fields related to social equity, rapid urbanization, urban governance frameworks, and more. The initiative focuses on creating dialogue and aligning scholars and practitioners to engage in urban research. The panel discussion will include planning experts and former government officials. This event is open to all. Learn more & RSVP here.

Saturday, November 11:

View urban public spaces through a Spanish lens: To better understand how the US can improve its cities, it is important to have a strong understanding of what other countries are doing. This Saturday, a revised version of the Polis exhibition is coming to DC. This exhibition showcases 25 projects aimed at improving public spaces in Spanish cities. These projects focus on Spain’s best works of intervention in public spaces within the past twenty years. The exhibition also reflects on globally shared challenges and future solutions working towards more democratic cities. At the event, there will be screenings of short films that take place in/around Barcelona. This event is presented by CCCB and commissioned by the Cultural Office of the Embassy of Spain in Washington, DC. Learn more & RSVP here.

Monday, November 13:

Discuss the future of Maryland’s American Legion Bridge: The state of Maryland is currently seeking federal funding to ease congestion and provide alternatives to privately managed I-495 toll lanes. The Maryland Department of Transportation (MDOT) will be hosting three open houses in November to discuss both the future of the American Legion Bridge and the 270 Corridor Program. MDOT is looking for feedback to help inform officials of the public’s priorities regarding these programs. Learn more & RSVP here.

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