Lunch links: Fashionable transportation and land use

Photo by Amsterdamize on Flickr.

Très cycle chic: Cycling and fashion go together, and at least in Europe, there are whole blogs devoted to photos of people looking good while riding a bicycle. One could easily get plenty of similar photos on one of DC’s main streets to or from downtown around rush hour. Tip: Froggie.

Shakespeare Not In the Park: The Shakespeare Theatre’s free shows will move from summer performances in Rock Creek’s amphitheatre to the company’s new theater in Gallery Place. Marc Fisher decries the move. If only we had a big, centrally located park in which to hold productions…

Commuter lot on 8th Street? A parking lot underneath the Southeast Freeway formerly used by the Marines will become a public lot, reports Infosnack’s Michael P. The current plan is to limit parking to 2-4 hours, but Michael thinks it should accommodate all-day parking (at market rate, of course) so area employees park there instead of shuffling cars around the neighborhood all day.

Ring my Belvoir: A Fairfax task force is recommending the county zone the area around Fort Belvoir for greater office, residential, retail and hotel development, reports the Post. But others worry that too much development far from transit will cripple the state’s roads. How about this as a solution: build some transit there!