Take a first glimpse inside a real Purple Line railcar

Image by State of Maryland.

The 26 light rail trains that will someday carry Purple Line passengers are looking closer and closer to being ready. If you’ve been wondering what fabric pattern will cover the seats, or what kind of hand-holds standing passengers will grip, wonder no more.

Here is a complete-looking train in all its glory:

Image by State of Maryland.

These photos come from a progress update tweet with details about the trains. Each of the 26 trains will have five segments, and of the 130 total segments needed, 99 have reached such a stage of completion that they’ve been painted. They’ll be assembled into trains soon.

Here’s an already-assembled full five-segment train:

Image by CAF for the State of Maryland.

After a series of construction delays, it’s not clear exactly when the Purple Line will open; the latest estimates are for 2024.