Are you looking for ways to support GGWash? Here’s how!

There are lots of way to get involved with GGWash stock photo from Shutterstock.

Two weeks ago we kicked off our Spring fundraising campaign and are almost halfway to our goal of raising $25,000 by the end of March! Thank you so much to everyone who has already donated. Your support helps us to pay our editors, covers the overhead costs of running our website, and allows us to publish the original, thought-provoking, community-driven content that makes GGWash so important to the Washington region.

Now more than ever we need to address the enduring legacy of racist, exclusionary zoning and push for an equitable transportation system that will not perpetuate harm to our planet and marginalized communities. The GGWash publication plays a critical role in shaping the regional dialogue about how we get there. In the past year alone, we ran over 1,000 articles that were collectively viewed over 3 million times!

We remain committed to our mission of providing local and regional coverage of the issues that shape the built environment, including transportation, housing/land use, history, and environmental sustainability. An informed region can make better decisions on how to create a “Greater” region.

Reader donations make up nearly 50% of the publication’s operating budget, and this year we need to grow our Neighborhood to keep pace with our growing publication. Can we count on your support?

Before the end of the month, we’d like to welcome 72 additional Neighbors and 50 new monthly donors to our Neighborhood. If you’ve never given to GGWash before, or it’s been a while, please make this year your year to join our fight for a more inclusive, equitable, and livable Washington region. The average GGWash Neighbor gives $10 a month, but we hope you will give what you can afford.

Will you join the GGWash Neighborhood?

Looking for ways to get involved beyond donating? You are in luck! On Monday GGWash initiated the soft launch of our new “Get Involved Page.” This page is part of our ongoing efforts to make it clearer to you all who our organization is, what we do, and how you can help.

Image of the top of our site, with our new "Get Involved" tab. Image by the author.

This page serves as a way for us to let you all know what’s going on in the region without needing to write an article for the publication to get the word out. There’s space for us to post volunteer opportunities and action alerts. This page will also be the permanent home of the GGWash calendar and Job Board.

We are currently hiring an intern to help us out this summer, looking for volunteers to help out with several tasks related to the publication, and encouraging folks to submit comments on both the moveDC survey and WMATA’s 2022 budget. You can check all that out and more here!

As you investigate, we’d love to hear your thoughts/feedback. You can leave a note here in the comments, or reach out to me directly. Thank you so much for reading our publication, we hope you’ll show your support by making a contribution today.