Events: How does the public bus system move Black people?

Image by BeyondDC licensed under Creative Commons.

Join GGWash, in partnership with TransitCenter, as we discuss the role that public bus systems play in moving Black communities. We’ll also talk about how the COVID-19 pandemic and current racial justice movements have impacted local and national bus systems. This event begins at 4 pm Tuesday.

Speakers include Veronica Davis, the co-owner and principal of Nspiregreen; Jerome Horne, a rider experience specialist at Indianapolis Public Transportation Corporation; Kyle Reeder, a co-lead of Prince George’s Countywide Bicycle and Pedestrian Community Advisory Group, and William Washburn, former planner and a member of the NAACP DC Chapter’s Committee on Environment and Climate Justice.

Advance registration is required. You can sign up here.

Tuesday, August 11

The intersection of transportation and health outcomes: Join mobility as a service expert Renee Autumn Ray as she gives insight into her recent report for the Eno Center for Transportation called “Increasing Access to Essential Health Functions: The Role of Transportation in Improving America’s Health.”

She’ll share recommendations on how public sector agencies can collaborate to advance policy and programming, provide a more equitable environment, and improve health outcomes and quality of life for people across the country.

The virtual event begins at 2 pm. You can access Ray’s report and register here.

Wednesday, August 12

Reimagine urban planning: George Washington University’s College of Professional Studies wants you to reimagine planners’ roles in creating safe and healthy communities.

This webinar is the first in a series of four examining the role of urban planning in a post-pandemic world. This week’s speaker is Dr. Sandra Whitehead, the program director at GW’s Sustainable Urban Planning Program.

The event starts at 2 pm. You can register here.

What makes successful smart cities: USCS Silicon Valley Extension has invited Dr. Willliam Kao, an expert consultant on renewable energy, clean technology, and emerging technologies, to share his opinion on what connects successful smart cities and where jobs are growing in such places across the country.

After Kao’s presentation, participants will have a chance to pose questions. The online event starts at 9 pm. You can register here.

Equitable active transportation planning: Share the road cycling coalition and The Centre for Active Transportation is hosting a conversation about how cities can move beyond the rapid response phase and conduct long term transportation planning through an equity lens.

Brian Patterson, the principal and active transportation planning leader at Urban Systems, will provide an overview of the Federation of Canadian Municipalities’ COVID-19 Street Rebalancing Guide. Then Nahomi Amberber, a research coordinator at Ryerson University, will give a snapshot of her research into whether access to active transportation infrastructure in Canada is equitable, and address how jurisdictions can incorporate an equity lens to AT planning — both now and in the future.

The conversation starts at 2 pm. You can get more info here.

Check out more urbanist events on our events calendar. Do you have an event you’d like to see featured in the weekly events post? Submit it here!