Silver Spring bike station gets planning money

Location of the future Gene Lynch Urban Park. From plans presented to the Planning Board.

WashCycle alerted us to a TBD article about the Silver Spring Park development project, recently approved with the requirement that the developer commit money to the Silver Spring bike station.

From the article:

To make up for the remaining public space requirement, developers will give $152,728 to Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning to pay for a bike station at Gene Lynch Urban Park, which is adjacent to the Silver Spring Transit Center.

The $153K funding commitment to the bike station will surely not be the only funding needed to complete the station. The M-NCPPC staff recommendation is for these funds to be used for development of “architectural schematic design drawings”. But this commitment is an important step forward.

The bike station will be located in the proposed park, at the corner of Colesville Road and Wayne Avenue. This location is across Wayne Avenue from the Sarbanes Transit Center, currently under construction. It’s located near several bike facilities, including the proposed Capital Crescent and Metropolitan Branch trails.

Crossposted at Silver Spring Trails