Check out the new Pow! Wow! mural festival art around NoMa

Artist Wingchow decorated a stretch of the Metro wall along the Metropolitan Branch Trail with a dragon. Image by the author.

The Pow! Wow! DC mural festival brightened various walls in NoMa for the third time last week, adding new splashes of color to the near northeast DC neighborhood.

Pow! Wow! is a mural festival that began in Hawaii with the aim of creating surprising and impactful public art. First held in DC in 2016, it grew to 20 artists, including nine from the Washington, DC area and 11 from elsewhere this year.

“The dynamic artworks that brighten up NoMa are treasured by residents and workers, and a strong draw for visitors,” said Robin-Eve Jasper, president of the NoMa Business Improvement District (BID). “It’s been exciting to see how, every year, more property owners in the neighborhood are eager to participate by making wall space available and sponsoring the event.”

Johan Moorman's Pow! Wow! DC mural in NoMa. Image by the author.

The prominent walls of two semi-industrial buildings that face M Street NE between 3rd Street and 4th Street were new canvases this year. Johan Moorman from the Netherlands, Joys from Italy and Taj Tenfold from Jamaica decorated the space.

Another new mural spot is the walls of and above Oasis Market at the corner of M Street and 3rd Street NE, decorated by LAP from Puerto Rico.

Mural by LAP on the walls of and above Oasis Market in NoMa. Image by the author.

The Metro wall along on the Metropolitan Branch Trail north of New York Avenue NE and adjacent to where NoMa plans to build its large park has is a repeat mural location. In addition to the dragon by Wingchow featured at top, the 1,000-foot stretch of wall sports new murals by seven other artists, including CRI, Golden Rabbit Silent Monkey and Zunzima.

Mural by CRI. Image by the author.

Mural by Golden Rabbit Silent Monkey. Image by the author.

Mural by Zunzima. Image by the author.