Here are the answers to whichWMATA week 119. How’d you do?

On Tuesday, we featured the 119th challenge to see how well you know the Metro system. Here are the answers.

This week, we got 22 guesses. Sixteen got all five right. Great work, Kevin M, AlexC, Peter K, Christopher Deal, Jumpinplastic, Brian J, Kwasi Cook, PLKDC, J-Train-21, Solomon, ArlFfx, MZEBE, Ginger, MtPDC, Justin…, and Stephen C!

Image 1: Rosslyn

The first image shows a view from outside of the main entrance to Rosslyn station. The main clue here is the building in the background. This building, Rosslyn Center, also played a crucial role in helping you solve the puzzle in week 11. The station entrance has been re-skinned to make it look a bit more modern in recent years.

Seventeen of you knew this one.

Image 2: Southern Ave

Southern Avenue was the second featured station. One clue is the bus bays located on either side of the station. Several stations have bus loops on either side, but with the peaked roof above the mezzanine, it narrows it down a bit. The main clue is a peek of the station's artwork, Coloratura, which we featured in week 4.

Eighteen of you guessed correctly.

Image 3: Franconia-Springfield

Image 3 shows Franconia-Springfield. The architecture here is “high peak”, which is present at only four stations. Of those four, two are terminal stations, Branch Avenue and Franconia-Springfield. The next train indicator at the end of the canopy should have told you this was the end of a line. Other clues include the railroad signal on the CSX/VRE tracks to the right and the bridge carrying Franconia-Springfield Parkway over the Metro tracks. Since Branch Avenue is not next to a railroad line, this should have immediately narrowed this down to Franconia.

All twenty-two of you got this one right. Great work.

Image 4: Woodley Park

The fourth image shows the top of the escalator at Woodley Park. The M&T Bank could have been google-able for you if you decided to search that way. Otherwise, the only way to solve this one was to recognize the setting, including the white brick wall on the Connecticut Avenue retail straight ahead of the escalator.

Twenty of you guessed Woodley Park.

Image 5: New Carrollton

The final image is from New Carrollton. The two garages in the distance were clues, especially the “spiral” staircase on the exterior of the garage closest to the station. Another clue is the catwalk railing just beyond the closest trackway. The odd railing here is standard for what WMATA does on elevated tracks where there are two tracks side by side. So, why is it here? Because there are two trackways adjacent to the New Carrollton platform on the east side of the tracks. One is the platform track (track 1). The other is a never-used trackway that would have held a bypass track leading to the yard. This would allow trains and equipment to go straight into the yard without transiting the New Carrollton platform tracks.

Twenty of you came to the correct conclusion.

Great work, everyone. Thanks for playing! We'll be back soon with challenge #120.

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