Urbanists near you are organizing, are you? - GGWash housing digest

Image by Nick Youngson licensed under Creative Commons.

This fall GGWash has focused on catalyzing and supporting YIMBY advocacy, and the response has been immediate. Check out what urbanist neighbors across the region have been doing in just a few short months, along with the biggest stories we've been writing and reading at GGWash.

What we're writing @GGWash

Reston enters the Upside Down when it comes to zoning
Hundreds of Reston residents are upset about zoning changes, but County officials say they are simply enacting necessary changes to comply with the city’s already agreed-upon master plan. Read more »

Here’s why this old Silver Spring library should become affordable homes
Earlier this month, Montgomery County released two proposals for what to do with the former library in downtown Silver Spring. But only one proposal includes much-needed affordable housing, and that’s the one county officials should pick. Read more »

Three things you need to know to get land-use woke
America’s history of land use is fundamentally racist, exclusionary, and exploitative. If we’re going to have productive conversations about where to go, we need to understand what got us here. Read more »

What we're reading (besides GGWash)

What we're doing: Catalyzing and supporting local urbanists in action

Last month I shared our new efforts to give grassroots and digital advocacy support to readers and supporters as they work to bring more homes and more affordable homes to their neighborhoods. Since then over 250 GGWash supporters have gotten involved in local urbanist campaigns all across the region, sending emails to officials and attending events. Below are some active campaigns right now. Click to get involved!

You can also sign up to receive updates for efforts near you, and as always reach out if you have an issue you'd like to work on! dwhitehead@ggwash.org

What you can do

Click to take action in a local campaign!