FOX even distorts local issues

FOX News’ national media bias is well known, but being a Full Of Spin Zone apparently isn’t limited to the network bosses in New York.

This FOX 5 report starts out:

You know how hard it is to find parking especially in certain parts of DC? Well it could be even tougher to find a spot under a new plan the city is considering to eliminate parking spaces.

Of course, no parking spaces are being eliminated, though correspondent Eleain Reyes repeats the false fact midway through the piece. The difference between eliminating spaces and eliminating minimum requirements is too nuanced for Reyes. She goes on to quote an “average person on the street” who can’t believe her parking would be taken away, reform opponent Ken Jarboe, and only at the end a bicycle commuter, Alan DeCastro, who only talks about being able to walk and not being reliant on cars, but the reporter spins his comments into the anti-car frame by saying he “loves the thought of fewer cars in the District”.