Join GGWash and friends to watch a documentary about Jane Jacobs!

Thursday would have been Jane Jacobs' 101st birthday. Although she died at age 89 in 2006, she left behind a strong legacy of urbanist activism. A new documentary, Citizen Jane: A Battle for the City, tells the story of Jacobs' tireless fight against developer Robert Moses in New York in the 1950s and 60s. Join Greater Greater Washington staff, volunteers and friends at E Street Cinema next Tuesday, May 9 at 7:30 pm to see the film.

In the Seattle Times, reviewer Walter Addiego notes that “Jacobs, the film’s heroine and winner of the battle…had a street-level vision of cities, based on the everyday lives of the inhabitants, congregating on stoops and watching the busy scene below from their apartment windows.”

Here's the trailer:

Citizen Jane: A Battle for the City  Video

Greater Greater Washington, the Coalition for Smarter Growth, and Third Wave Urbanism invite you to join us and like-minded urbanists in viewing the film on Tuesday. Afterwards, we'll head over to Rocketbar where Kristen Jeffers, co-host of the Third Wave Urbanism podcast, will lead a discussion over drinks.

We can't guarantee the screening won't sell out, so get your tickets now!

Citizen Jane screening

E Street Cinema, 555 11th Street NW

Tuesday, May 9

7:30 pm

Tickets available here

Post-screening discussion and drinks

Rocket Bar, 714 7th Street NW

9:15 - 10:00 pm