Lunch links: National trends edition

Tom the Dancing Bug.

Trend story of the moment: whites moving into the city: First it was “gas prices so high some people are giving up driving,” followed by “record transit ridership in [insert city here].” Now, a pair of articles in The Wall Street Journal and The New Republic may represent the next media narrative. Both discuss the trend of whites moving to the city and its effects, whether you call it “gentrification” or “demographic inversion”. Thanks to tipsters Tim and Ben T.

It’s simple economics: Tom the Dancing Bug’s latest comic shows how our energy problems are just simple economics. Or not. Tip: mfs.

Post discusses bike safety: Washington Post writer Moira McLaughlin, who rides her bike to work, talks about bicycle safety, the rapidly rising demand for bicycles and bike commuting, and the transgressions of both drivers and cyclists. There’s a live chat with Eric Gilliland that started at noon.

Try doing that at Dupont or Woodley Park: Some people resorted to running up the down escalator at Foggy Bottom this morning after two broken escalators caused a massive backlog of people waiting to walk up. Thanks to Ben S. for the tip.