Give input on new railcars, WMATA governance

Image from WMATA.

Tomorrow, the WMATA Riders’ Advisory Council is holding a public meeting on the design of the 7000 series railcars, the next generation cars WMATA will be shortly purchasing.

Riders have often asked for more opportunities to talk directly with WMATA staff on important issues. The design of the 7000 series cars is one issue very important to riders.

Last time we discussed them, commenters raised questions and/or comments about the number of doors, transverse vs. longitudinal seating, carpeting, seat fabric and colors, armrests, 6-car train operation, losing the exterior brown stripe, the new digital displays, and more.

Therefore, we’ve set up this RAC meeting with a WMATA official working on the 7000 series cars. Anyone who attends will be welcome to listen to his presentation, give suggestions, and ask questions. The more participation we get, the more likely the RAC will be to organize similar events open to the public in the future, and the more likely we can get WMATA staff to attend.

The meeting is 6:30-8:30 pm in the committee room at WMATA headquarters, 600 5th Street NW. After going through the metal detectors, head left to the mini-lobby and it’s the room on the right.

In addition, the Board of Trade/COG task force on WMATA governance is having a public input session in the morning to hear ideas from the public. I’ve criticized its composition and Penny was skeptical about its value, but like it or not, the businesspeople and former government officials picked for the panel are going to be formulating a report.

I’ll be there to give my constructive suggestions. Hopefully they are open to them and not already set on removing elected officials from the Board. That meeting is 9-11:30 am. Sign up at 202-962-3220 or submit written comments.