WMATA working on SmartTrip-driver’s license combo

InfosnackHQ found another interesting tidbit buried in WMATAland: they’re investigating embedding SmarTrips in driver’s licenses,

student IDs, library cards and more. InfosnackHQ points out that SmarTrips break a lot, and it’s easier to replace one than replace a driver’s license. I assume that this will be optional (otherwise it raises privacy issues), but basically giving everyone a SmartTrip when they move to DC makes sense.

Will the technology work properly if someone beeps their wallet to the sensor with an unused SmarTrip inside their license and a SmarTrip with money next to it in the wallet? There are lots of details yet to be learned by us and by WMATA I’m sure.

Update: Current DC plans call for this to apply to library cards and student IDs but not driver’s licenses.