Weekend reading

“Not sexy”: Politicians aren’t yet embracing transit as the solution to high gas prices, but they will, argues Ryan Avent in Grist.

Insufficient parking or insufficient transit? Downtown Annapolis is struggling, and the new (and pretentiously-spelled) “Annapolis Towne Centre” that isn’t even in Annapolis doesn’t help. Merchants claim lack of parking is a factor; it may be, though one might also say that the difficulty of getting to Annapolis without driving is the real factor.

Fake bus stops for Alzheimer’s patients: Centers in Germany for patients with Alzheimer’s have discovered that building a fake bus stop outside keeps confused patients from getting on real buses and getting lost.

New York set to build a bunch of garbage: Architecture critics have widely panned New York’s proposals for Hudson Yards, a planned development atop the Long Island Rail Road’s West Side rail yard and the last major area in Midtown not developed. Bloomberg’s James Russell blames the MTA and its focus on earning money from the sale of the site rather than building something good.

We need to build both: It’s a fallacy to simply talk about getting x miles of light rail versus y miles of subway, argues The Overhead Wire. We had a similar debate here Thursday.